
2.0mL Tubes

2.0mL Skirted Screw cap Tubes, 50/pkg.
SS20S28 2.8mm stainless steel beads  Hard tissue grinding  Hard tissue, dry grinding, skin, muscle, bone, hair, roots, spincor, teeth, corn, rice and seeds
C20S28  2.8mm ceramic beads  Hard tissue homogenizing  Hard tissue, heart, muscle, skin, tendon, tail, whole organs, hard plant material
G20S07 0.7mm garnet beads  Hard & Fibrous tissue   Soil, Clay, sediment, waster water, feces
C20S14 1.4mm ceramic beads  Soft tissue homogenizing  Soft tissue, brain, liver, kidney, spleen, soft plant
G20S05 0.5mm glass beads  Tough micro-organism lysing  Tough micro-organisms, gram+, yeast, fungi, algae, spores, plankton
G20S01 0.1mm glass beads  Micro-organism lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+ bacteria, spores
C20S01 0.1mm ceramic beads  Bacteria lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+, spores
G20S0105 0.1mm & 0.5mm glass beads  Micro-organism lysing  Yeast fungi, gram+, gram- bacteria, spores, micro-algae
GCG20S01141 0.1mm glass beads 1.4mm ceramic beads 1 glass bead of 4.0mm  Micro-organism lysing inside tissue  Soil, sediment, root, feces, animal or plant tissues
C20S1428 1.4mm & 2.8mm ceramic beads  Tissue homogenizing  soft tissue, soft plant, soft animal tissue, fruit, cereals
C20S2850 2.8mm & 5.0mm ceramic beads  Tissue grinding  Whole organs like rat brain, liver, kidney, lung, skin, mouse bones, whole iris-ciliary body pork, hair, dry samples such as pepper grains, etc.
C20S68 6.8mm ceramic beads  Dry hard tissue grinding  Hard Tissue, tough and fibrous plant, animal tissues, dry grinding, roots, seeds, feed
GC20S071 0.7mm gamet flakes & 1 ceramic bead of 6.0mm  Sample grinding  Skin, cartilage, retina, general tissues like liver, plants
2.0mL Conical Tubes
SS20CR28 2.8mm stainless steel beads  Hard tissue grinding  Hard tissue, dry grinding, skin, muscle, bone, hair, roots, spincor, teeth, corn, rice and seeds
C20CR28  2.8mm ceramic beads  Hard tissue homogenizing  Hard tissue, heart, muscle, skin, tendon, tail, whole organs, hard plant material
G20CR07 0.7mm garnet beads  Hard & Fibrous tissue   Soil, Clay, sediment, waster water, feces
C20CR14 1.4mm ceramic beads  Soft tissue homogenizing  Soft tissue, brain, liver, kidney, spleen, soft plant
G20CR05 0.5mm glass beads  Tough micro-organism lysing  Tough micro-organisms, gram+, yeast, fungi, algae, spores, plankton
G20CR01 0.1mm glass beads  Micro-organism lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+ bacteria, spores
C20CR01 0.1mm ceramic beads  Bacteria lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+, spores
G20C0105 0.1mm & 0.5mm glass beads  Micro-organism lysing  Yeast fungi, gram+, gram- bacteria, spores, micro-algae
GCG20CR01141 0.1mm glass beads 1.4mm ceramic beads 1 glass bead of 4.0mm  Micro-organism lysing inside tissue  Soil, sediment, root, feces, animal or plant tissues
C20CR1428 1.4mm & 2.8mm ceramic beads  Tissue homogenizing  soft tissue, soft plant, soft animal tissue, fruit, cereals
C20CR2850 2.8mm & 5.0mm ceramic beads  Tissue grinding  Whole organs like rat brain, liver, kidney, lung, skin, mouse bones, whole iris-ciliary body pork, hair, dry samples such as pepper grains, etc.
C20CR68 6.8mm ceramic beads  Dry hard tissue grinding  Hard Tissue, tough and fibrous plant, animal tissues, dry grinding, roots, seeds, feed
GC20CR071 0.7mm gamet flakes & 1 ceramic bead of 6.0mm  Sample grinding  Skin, cartilage, retina, general tissues like liver, plants


APPLICATION RECOMMENDED FOR BEADS TYPE 2.0mL Skirted 2.0mL Conical Reinforced Tube
Hard tissue grinding  Hard tissue, dry grinding, skin, muscle, bone, hair, roots, spincor, teeth, corn, rice and seeds 2.8mm stainless steel beads  SS20S28 SS20CR28
Hard tissue homogenizing  Hard tissue, heart, muscle, skin, tendon, tail, whole organs, hard plant material 2.8mm ceramic beads  C20S28  C20CR28 
Hard & Fibrous tissue   Soil, Clay, sediment, waster water, feces 0.7mm garnet beads  G20S07 G20CR07
Soft tissue homogenizing  Soft tissue, brain, liver, kidney, spleen, soft plant 1.4mm ceramic beads  C20S14 C20CR14
Tough micro-organism lysing  Tough micro-organisms, gram+, yeast, fungi, algae, spores, plankton 0.5mm glass beads  G20S05 G20CR05
Micro-organism lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+ bacteria, spores 0.1mm glass beads  G20S01 G20CR01
Bacteria lysing  Micro-ogranisms, processing cells, bacteria, gram-, gram+, spores 0.1mm ceramic beads  C20S01 C20CR01
Micro-organism lysing  Yeast fungi, gram+, gram- bacteria, spores, micro-algae 0.1mm & 0.5mm glass beads  G20S0105 G20C0105
Micro-organism lysing inside tissue  Soil, sediment, root, feces, animal or plant tissues 0.1mm glass beads 1.4mm ceramic beads 1 glass bead of 4.0mm  GCG20S01141 GCG20CR01141
Tissue homogenizing  soft tissue, soft plant, soft animal tissue, fruit, cereals 1.4mm & 2.8mm ceramic beads  C20S1428 C20CR1428
Tissue grinding  Whole organs like rat brain, liver, kidney, lung, skin, mouse bones, whole iris-ciliary body pork, hair, dry samples such as pepper grains, etc. 2.8mm & 5.0mm ceramic beads  C20S2850 C20CR2850
Dry hard tissue grinding  Hard Tissue, tough and fibrous plant, animal tissues, dry grinding, roots, seeds, feed 6.8mm ceramic beads  C20S68 C20CR68
Sample grinding  Skin, cartilage, retina, general tissues like liver, plants 0.7mm gamet flakes & 1 ceramic bead of 6.0mm  GC20S071 GC20CR071